برنامه یکشنبه های حقوق عضویت در باشگاه مشتریان 1 آبان 1403
ناشر نمونه سال‌های 1393 و 1394 و 1397 جمهوری اسلامی ایران
عضویت در باشگاه مشتریان مجد

about majd

Since 1990, the Majd Scientific and Cultural Assembly has specialized in the field of law and has the following structure and organization:

1- Majd publications

2- Amjad Publications

3- Legal monthly

4- Legal Theories Quarterly

5- Electronic magazine

6- Office of legal studies and training

7- Conference hall

8- Bookstore and legal works supply store

9- Printed books store website

10- E-book store website

11- Intellectual creation rights office

A: The process of publishing activities in Majd:

– In the first step, inventors send their book publication request to the e-mail address of inventors in Majd (majdlaw2@yahoo.com).

– The publication request form will be sent to the author to receive the author’s personal and scientific information and proposed book, as well as answers to questions regarding the special conditions of the work.

– In addition to resending the completed publication request form, the author attaches the word and pdf file of his book.

– The received information is completely placed in Majd’s CRM system and is subject to scientific investigation in turn.

– If a book does not meet the required quorum from scientific aspects or respect for intellectual property rights, it will be removed from the review cycle and a negative answer will be announced.

– Books that pass the initial stage and obtain the minimum quorum are accepted in Majd Publishing House or Amjad Publishing House according to the book’s conditions.

– The book publishing contract is sent to the creator along with the commitment letter to respect intellectual property rights and is signed.

– Accepted books must be modified and sent by the creator based on the special method of book publication in the Majed Scientific and Cultural Assembly.

– The stages of page layout and cover design are carried out and finalized in the technical unit of Majd with the coordination of the creator.

– With the finalization of the number of pages and the design of the cover, the necessary measures will be taken to allocate the book, obtain FIPA from the National Library, and publish permission from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.

– The first action to publicize the book at this stage is done through the official page of Majdlaw’s instagram as books under publication.

– After these steps, the book is ready for printing and the technical operations of printing text, cover and pages are done.

– The author and the general legal community will be informed of its publication by displaying his book on the first page of the Majd website (majdpub.ir) under the title (New Books).

– By placing the new book in the subject list of Majd’s legal works, public announcement is made through the website, Instagram page, Majd’s Telegram and WhatsApp groups and channels, and a special booklet is published, and Majd’s offices are visited.

B: The process of publishing articles in Majd magazines

– The articles sent to Majd are separated in terms of content and adherence to the scientific principles of article writing, and each one is selected for publication in one of the three Majd magazines.

– In the Majd electronic magazine, which is accessible through the website (majdlaw.ir), the author’s article and photo are sent through the website, and after the evaluation of the magazine’s management, if approved, it will be made available to the public.

Majd Legal Monthly, which has been published regularly since 2005, has an informational, cultural and scientific function, and each issue contains at most three articles along with other headlines such as legal news, opinions and judicial procedure, presentation of the book of the month, information of institutions Legal, the introduction of foreign legal works, the list of approvals published in the official gazette and the introduction of new legal books published in the current month are presented.

– Legal Theories Quarterly has been published since the summer of 2021 with a scientific and research purpose, and the standard of publishing articles in it is in accordance with the style of research journals approved by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The official website of the quarterly is (legaltheories.ir) and the articles received are reviewed and evaluated by the referees and published.

The necessary follow-ups have been done to receive the research rank from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.

C: The book distribution process in Majd

– All published legal works by reputable legal publishers, both government and private, are offered at the Majd legal works store with a permanent discount: Revolution Square, Ardibehesht St. (Moniri Javaid), Shahada Gendarmari Intersection, Block 57 – Phone: 66409422 – 66486874.

– More than 2,000 titles of English legal sources legally reprinted in Iran by Amjad Publications and considered to be one of the most important new legal sources in English, in addition to Majd central bookstore, also on the store website (amjadbook.ir) at regular prices. Iran is offered.

D: Publication of electronic books in Majd

The developments in the field of virtual space and the capabilities available in scientific works due to the possibility of transmitting information without physical limitations in the farthest parts of the world have led to the expansion and development of the electronic book market, especially since the conditions caused by the Corona pandemic have created the need for more speed in the study of this field.

The most important concern in electronic publishing is maintaining and ensuring the legal security of published works, which unfortunately, the facilities available in the cyberspace have provided the basis for violating the rights of creators and publishers more than before. The publication of electronic books by independent and specialized companies has become common in the last few years, but so far no publisher has published his books independently and exclusively by himself, and doing this specialized and difficult work by Majd is irreplaceable until the time of writing this text.

Majd electronic books have several important features:

1- These books have been edited and updated in the last edition, which has been made available to Majd by their creators for electronic publication. This process will be passed in the future as well and whenever a book is revised, its electronic version will also be revised.

2- The format of Majd’s electronic books is exactly the same as its printed book in terms of pagination and placement of words and sentences on the pages. This feature is important because it is still possible to refer from the book. This is while the format of electronic books in general applications is changing compared to printed books due to the use of IPAB format.This feature is very important for academic and academic books.

3- The possibility of searching in the text, using the index, taking notes, marking and marking with different colors are among the features of these books.

4- The price of Majd’s electronic books is 40% lower than the price of the printed book, which of course is offered with a discount of 10 hundred in addition.

5- Majd’s electronic books have a special security system in order to maintain security and respect the rights of creators and can only be accessed through Windows and for a computer device. After entering the website www.majdpub.com and purchasing and downloading the desired book, the user receives and uses the activation code via email and SMS.

E: Supplying a part of Majd and Amjad printed books

The need of the audience, especially students and researchers, for many books and of course parts of each book causes the illegal reproduction of books in the type and reproduction units (inside or outside the university) to increase.

The audience can be students who need one or more parts of a book for their course unit, or researchers and graduate students who need parts from multiple sources to write their book or thesis, or activists in the field of law such as judges, lawyers, or experts.which need parts of legal resources to perform their duties.

The possibility of buying parts of Majd’s books is a response to the needs of the audience, which is provided through Majd’s specialized activities website www.majdpub.ir.

This method is unique to Majd and has no history so far. This site is connected to Majd store site and its information is updated. All the books of Majd and Amjad are available for sale, and you can choose the sections and pages you need according to the book’s list of contents and buy them. The system calculates the amount of your requested pages and announces the final amount according to the method of receipt (in person, mail or courier).

This method has been widely accepted for several reasons:

– Many legal books have been modified over time and their contents are updated. The books available in libraries or in the hands of individuals may be the old version of the book, while the books available on the site are with the latest amendments and changes.

– The quality of printed pages in this method is the same as the original book and is not seen as a copy of the black pages of the pages .

– Searching and finding the required materials through the site is much easier than the physical method.

– The ease of buying and paying and receiving the shipment by post in all parts of the country is one of the important features of this method.

F: Office of legal studies and training

The studies department of this office deals with research and scientific projects in the field of law. The result of the activity of this department during the past years has been the scientific and research design of more than two hundred and fifty book titles and articles, which fortunately have been welcomed by the legal community.

The legal education department has been active in the three areas of specialized workshops, scientific courses and general education by using suitable facilities for face-to-face classes in the Majd conference hall and also electronic education using a special platform and Binar and has been well received.

– Majd’s consulting and legal services activities are limited to intellectual property rights, which have been provided since 2007 with the establishment of the website www.booklaw.ir.

– Reviewing the bill of literary and artistic property rights in 39 meetings and writing numerous articles in this regard, as well as holding training courses for publishers and creators and providing legal advice to the people of the publishing community are among the activities of this office.

G: Majd conference hall

One of the side but important activities in the field of publishing is holding conferences and public meetings for the presentation of published books. The dynamism of publications depends on the criticisms and opinions that are raised in public meetings. Fortunately, with the construction of Majd’s central office on 9 floors, the construction of a conference hall with the necessary facilities was planned, and now numerous book launch meetings, commemoration of Majd’s professors and writers, and other official events related to the field of culture and legal knowledge are held in this hall. Becomes In addition to the ceremonies related to the books published in Majd, specialized courses and legal scientific workshops are organized by Majd’s legal studies and training office in this hall.

A public announcement will be made for Majd’s internal events so that those interested can get to know Majd’s activities and published works closely, and colleagues who need a suitable space to hold cultural and educational events and conferences can contact Majd’s central office to represent.

H: Intellectual creation rights office

Research, consultation, arbitration and information are among the duties of this office. The establishment of this office in the organizational structure of Majd as a private institution was due to the efforts of Dr. Seyed Abbas Hosseini Nik, the responsible director of Majd, and it is important in several ways:

First of all, his master’s thesis in the field of criminal law and criminology of the University of Tehran titled Iran’s criminal policy in support of copyright has been defended and published.

Second, his doctoral dissertation titled Theoretical and Jurisprudential Foundations of Literary and Artistic Property Rights has been published several times after being defended.

In addition to the above two works, the copyright book was authored by him for the first time in the country and is now available to those interested.

Thirdly, the history of his research and publishing activity goes back to 1990 and the accumulation of experience related to research and publishing activity has resulted in synergy with legal knowledge.

The mission of this office in the organizational chart of Majd Scientific and Cultural Assembly is:

  • Participation in the amendment of current laws in the field of intellectual creations
  • Effective activity to review the new bill of literary and artistic property rights
  • Contributing to the development of copyright culture in Iran and examining the accession to the Berne Convention
  • Representation of foreign creators and publishers to protect their publishing rights inside the country
  • Authoring resources and educational pamphlets for specialized courses
  • holding educational courses
  • Accepting arbitration to resolve disputes
  • Providing sample intellectual property contracts
  • Legal advice to the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, the Supreme Council of Virtual Space, the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and the judicial system
  • Legal advice to judges, lawyers, creators and publishers
  • Effective fight against illegal reproductions in printed and electronic form

The website www.booklaw.ir has been active since 2011 and is currently providing many services.

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